The First Diary

Author: Antonio Pullicino (born 7 March 1817 and died 18 January 1876)

[Note: the comments inside the square brackets appear in black when reproduced from the edition of Dr Paul Pullicino, and in blue when I have inserted them for fear of mistranslation. – John Pullicino]

1678 – 29 October

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio, brother of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino, gave birth at one hour after midnight to a baby girl who died before she was baptised.

1678 – 23 November

Died; Gio-Petro Pullicino, father of Notary Marco Antonio, at the hour of 3:10 after midnight, and was buried the same day in the parish church of Casal Birchircara.

1679 – 24 February

Died; Pietruzzo La Fortuna who was a barber in Valletta, married to the sister* and so related to Marco Antonio Pullicino, at the hour of 3 a.m.

[*Beatrice, who died in 1717]

1679 – 15 July

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth to a baby girl who died at seven months at the hour of 1 a.m.

1680 – 12 December

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth to a baby girl who died at eight months and days a short time after midnight.

1680 – 19 December

At 2 hours after midnight died Gio-Angelo Farrugia father-in-law of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

1681 – 24 October

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth at the third hour after midnight, the day of Friday, to a baby boy to whom was given the name of Gio-Angelo* and was baptized in church the same day at the hour of 4 p.m. His godfather was Dr Domenico Farrugia parish priest of Siggiewi —-(illegible)—- of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

[*Given the name of his recently deceased maternal grandfather, but dies after a week.]

An facsimile excerpt from the original diary in the hand of Marcantonio: “mio figlio Gio Angelo di giorni sei e mezzo giori di Giovedi…. sepulto nella Chiesa di Cas. Zebbug”.

1681 – 31 October

Died; the said Gio-Angelo, son of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino at the age of six and a half days on Thursday and was buried in the church of Casal Zebbug.

1682 – 17 October Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth to a male infant who was stillborn.

1683 – 24 October

Died; Maria Farrugia mother-in-law of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

1684 – 28 January

At one hour after midnight died in Casal Zebbug, Graziulla Pullicino, mother of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino and was buried on the same day in the evening in the Church of Birchircara. On the said day she made her will shortly before she died in the deeds of Notary Gio. Azzopardi.

1684 – 26 April

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 11 a.m. to a baby boy who was baptized in Casal Zebbug, on the 27th of the same month he was given the name of Gio-Petro.* His godfather was Signor** Gio-Battista Dorel.

[*Gio Pietro becomes a priest and dies in 1742.] [** The titles Signor and Signora used in the diaries have been retained as they appear, including their abbreviations where used.]

1686 – 7 June

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 7 a.m. to a baby boy who was baptised the next day in Casal Zebbug and who was given the name Arcangelo*. His godfather was the bandoliere** Signor Gio-Luca Pace from the same Casal.

*Arcangelo and Gio Pietro are the only children who reach adulthood, one a Notary, his elder a priest.] [** bandoliere – a military position]

1689 – 20 August

Anna, wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino gave birth to a baby girl who was baptized in the parish church of Casal Zebbug and who was given the name Maria. Her godmother was Mosa Saguna. This child died the next day and was buried in the said church.

1694 – 10 December

Died; Doctor of Medicine Gabriele Calleja

1698 – 20 December

Arcangelo Pullicino, son of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino was ordained prima tonsura* by Bishop Fr Davidde Cocco Palmieri in the Church of the Jesuits.**

prima tonsura – part of a religious ordination -first vows?]

[**Jesuits Church in Valletta.]

1701 – 19 February

Died; Dr Vincenzo Pulis, uncle of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino, and was buried in the Church of St Paul in Valletta.

1701 – 3 August

Died; Anna Pullicino wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

1703 – September

Died; Brother Publio Theuma, uncle of the mother of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

1707 – 23 February

Died; Don Domenico Azzopardi brother of Maria Palma Calleja.


Died; Baldassare Theuma Died; Eugenio Farrugia nephew of the wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino.

1711 – April

Died; Parish Priest Dr Francesco Theuma.

1714 – 24 July

Died; Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino

1715 – 18 July

Died; Dr Natale Pullicino, brother of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino, of malign fever, leaving all his estate* to Arcangelo Pullicino son of the abovementioned Marco Antonio, and he was buried the next day in the crypt of the Church of Birchirchara.

[*Dottore Natale is therefore assumed to have had no issue.]

1715 – 26 November

The wedding took place of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino and  Sig. Giuliuzza* Graziulla, daughter of Notary Gabriele and Maria Palma Calleja Azzopardi. The matrimonial contract** written by Notary Ignazio Debono the 30 October 1715.

[*Also called Gulia. Note her father is also a Notary, Gabriele Calleja.] [**A rare thing today, the “kitba taz-zwieg” usually established the dowry of the bride.]

1716 – 20 November

Giuliuzza Pullicino, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino, gave birth at 9 p.m. to a baby girl, who was baptized the next day in Casal Zebbug and was given the names Anna*, Maria, Ignazia Xaviera, Felicita; The godparents were Dr Gio Pietro Pullicino and Sig.ra Maria Palma Calleja her maternal grandmother.

[*The female issue of this marriage, in all, four sisters, reach majority but none marry.]

1717 – 30 July

Died; Carlo Farrugia of Siggiewi, brother-in-law of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino and was buried in the said Casal.

1717 – 29 August

Died; Flaminia Gatt of Birchirchara, sister of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino and was buried in the said Casal.

1717 – 1 December

Died; Beatrice La Fortuna, sister of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino, and was buried the next day in the Parish of Porto Salvo of Valletta.

1718 – 8 January

Giuliuzza Pullicino, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino, (married in Casal Zebbug 26-XI-1715) gave birth at 1 a.m. to a baby boy who was baptized in the evening in the Parish of Zebbug, and who was given the names Marco Antonio, Filippo, Gio-Maria. The godparents were Dr Paolo Calleja and Sig.ra Eupemia Azzopardi Fenech.

1718 – 25 August

Died; Marco Antonio* Pullicino, son of Giuliuzza and Notary Arcangelo Pullicino and was buried beneath the altar of St Anna.

[*Dead at seven months. His later namesake dies at eleven months, and yet another child given the name dies after some two years.]

1719 – 30 November

Giuliuzza Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 10 p.m. to a baby boy and the next day, the 2nd of December, he was baptized by Dr Paolo Calleja and was given the names Marco Antonio, Andrea, Giusseppe, Carlo. The godparents were Mr Giusseppe and Mrs Primitiva Calleja.

1720 – 24 September

Marco Antonio, son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino died at the hour of half past ten p.m. and was buried on the evening of the next day.

1721 – 4 February

Died; Don Angelo Farrugia of Casal Siggiewi nephew of the wife of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino and was buried the following day.

1721 – 14 April

Giuliuzza Pullicino, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth to a baby girl at the hour of 3 a.m. who was baptised the next day in the Parish of Zebbug and was given the names Maria Pascha*, Graziulla. The godparents were Sig. Giuseppe Azzopardi, druggist, and Sig. Graziulla, his daughter.

[*To become a Carmelite Nun.]

1723 – 6 July

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 5 p.m. to a baby boy and on the next day he was baptized in Zebbug; to whom was given the names Gabriele Saverio*. The godparents were Dr Lorenzo Gatt and Sig.ra Mosa, daughter of the druggist Sig. Giuseppe Azzopardi. Anna, daughter of Giuliuzza and of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino was confirmed during the visit of Monsignor Gori Mancini** to Casal Zebbug. Her godmother was Mrs Isabella Hilgenis.

[*Dead by the age of two, his namesake Gabriele, GioLuca, will reach adulthood and carry on the family name.]

[**Pastoral visits to villages by Church dignitaries from Valletta would have been of great importance to the parishioners.]

1725 – 30 June

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 7 a.m. to a baby boy, and in the evening at the hour of 6 p.m. he was baptized in Zebbug and was given the names Pietro Paolo, Filippo, Vincenzo. The godparents were Dr Mario Fenech and Graziulla Magri.

1725 – 19 November

Died; Gabriele Saverio son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino at the hour of 1 p.m. from a typhoid and rabies* and he was buried in the evening.

[*“con tojse e febbre causata da denti canini”]

1727 – 18 September

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 5 a.m. to a baby girl and in the evening she was baptized and given the names Catarina, Flora, Primitiva. The godparents were Dr Don Pietro Azzopardi and Sig. Anna Azzopardi Calleja.

1729 – May

Maria, daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino was confirmed during the visit of Monsignor Alferan to Zebbug. Her godmother was Sig. Flora Calleja.

1730 – 1 April

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 2 in the night to a baby girl and on 3 April she was baptized in Zebbug and was given the names of Diana, Palma, Eugenia. The godparents were Sig. Gio-Carlo Calleja and Sig. Maria Azzopardi.

1732 – 17 January

Died; Sig. Giuseppe Azzopardi, uncle of Dr P Paolo Calleja at the hour of 6 a.m.

1732 – 10 May

Died; at the hour of half past 11 a.m. Sig. Maria Palma Calleja nee Azzopardi, wife of Dr Gabriele Calleja and the next day was buried in the Parish of Zebbug; at No.9, that is in the second grave beneath the organ at the side of the altar dedicated to All Souls.*

[*“nella seconda sepoltura sotto l’organo della parte dello altare delle anime”]

1732 – 2 June

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 7 p.m. to a baby boy. The next day he was baptized in Zebbug and was given the names Marco Antonio, Saverio, Giuseppe. The godparents were Sig. Paolo Azzopardi and Sig. Flora Calleja.

1734 – 18 October Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 6 a.m. to a baby boy. He was baptized in the Parish of Zebbug and was given the names Gabriele, GioLuca, Gaetano, Filippo. The godparents were Sig. Annuzzi* sister of the child and —-(illegible)—-

[*Anna Maria?]

1735 – 23 March

Died; Marco Antonio, son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino, during the evening* , and on the morning of the next day at the hour of nine was buried in the Parish of Zebbug.

[*“ad un’ora di notte a sera”]

1736 – 10 May

Pietro Paolo* son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation in Zebbug during the visit of Monsignor Alferan. His godfather was Dr Gio Antonio Mallia. Also making her confirmation during the said visit was Catarina daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino. Her godmother was Sig. Domenicuzza wife of Dr Lorenzo Gatt.

[*The pattern of the previous generation repeats itself – two males reach adulthood, first becomes a priest and the younger, a Notary who carries on the family name. There is in the latter generation a third male Giuseppe Maria, but he too enters the priesthood. In both generations the females do not marry. And again a next third generation will produce a similar situation of spinsters, a priest and a professional, this time a Doctor of Medicine instead of a notary.]

1736 – 8 December

Giuliuzza, wife of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 4 p.m. to a baby boy, who on the 10th of the said month was baptized in Zebbug, and was given the names of GiuseppeMaria, Filippo. The godparents were Sig. Michele Angelo Mamo and Sig. Mariuzza daughter of Dr Lorenzo Gatt.

1737 – 20 June

Diana daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino made her confirmation at St Paolo in Valletta during the visit of Monsignor Alferan. Her godmother was Sig. Genrosa Apap daughter of Mr Gio Albino Apap.

1740 -29 November

Died; at the hour of half past 4 a.m. parish priest Don Gio Battista ta Sagnani, and was buried in the Jesuits Church.*

[* “e fu’ sepolto nei Gesuiti.”]

1742 – 5 February

Maria, wife of Filippo Mangion, gave birth to a baby girl, to whom was given the name Catarina, who later on became the wife of Dr Gabriele, son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino.

1742 – 29 March

Died; at the hour of half past 3 p.m. Reverend Don Gio Pietro Pullicino, brother of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino and on the next day he was buried in the Parish Church of Zebbug.

1742 – 17 July

Died; at the hour of 5.15 a.m. Sig. Paolina Magri nee Azzopardi maternal aunt of Don Paolo Pietro Calleja in Casal Curmi.

1744 – 29 January

Pietro Paolo son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino was ordained prima tonsura* by Monsignor Alferan in a private ordination in his palazzo in Valletta. [*prima tonsura – part of a religious ordination]

1744 – 21 March

Pietro Paolo Pullicino son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino was ordained by Monsignor Alferan in the four minor orders in a public ordination in the Cathedral in Notabile.

1746 – 28 September

Maria Pullicino donned the habit of the Madonna del Carmine in the Church of the Carmelites in Notabile and adopted the name of Teresa.

1747 – 1 October

Gabriele son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation in Zebbug during the visit of Monsignor Alferan. His godfather was the Most Illustrious Canon of the Cathedral Don Albino Portoghes Secretary of the said Bishop. Giuseppe son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation during the said visit. His godfather was Don Giuseppe Mamo Azzopardi, Parish priest of Zebbug.

1747 – 16 October

Giuseppe son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino was ordained prima tonsura in Zebbug during the visit of Monsignor Alferan.

1754 – 16 March

Died; at the hour of half past 7 a.m. Sig. Primitiva Calleja wife of Sig. Giuseppe Calleja notary in Valletta, aunt of Don P.Paolo Calleja.

[*“Citta’ ” by this time, a common name for Valletta, as ‘ Citta’ Vecchia ‘ became for Mdina]

1754 – 19 July

Died; at the hour of 11.15 a.m. Flaminia Azzopardi wife of the late Giuseppe Azzopardi*, aunt of Don P.Paolo Calleja.

[*”del quondam Ch. Giuseppe Azzopardi” who died 17 January 1732]

1755 – 20 January

Died; at the hour of 1.30 p.m. Dr. Don Pietro Azzopardi cousin of Don P. Paolo Calleja.

1757 – 25 January

Died; at the hour of 1.30 a.m. Sig. Giuseppe Calleja brother of Dr Gabriele Calleja and was buried in the Carmine in his own grave of Marmo marble.* Died; Don Paolo Calleja.

[*”nel Carmine nella sua sepoltura di (Marmo?). Marble from Marmo in Sicily was of such superior quality that the diarist considered it worth recording.]

1758 – 12 May

Died; Don P. Paolo Calleja brother of Gulia Pullicino.

1761 – 23 November

Dr Gabriele Pullicino son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino married Sig. Caterina daughter of the late Sig. Filippo Mangion and his widow Sig. Maria Gauci.

1762 – 21 November

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth to a baby boy at the hour of 6 p.m. and on the next day he was baptized in the parish of Zebbug, and was given the name of Filippo. The godparents were Notary Arcangelo Pullicino, his grandfather, and Sig.Domenica Brignone cousin of the mother of the foresaid Sig. Catarina.

1763 – 25 March

Died; Arcangelo Pullicino son of Notary Marco Antonio Pullicino

1765 – 23 January

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth to a baby boy at the hour of 10 p.m. and on the next day he was baptized in the parish of Zebbug, and was given the names of Arcangelo, Paolo. The godparents were Reverend Don Alfonso Gauci and Sig. Giulia Pullicino grandmother of the said baby boy.

1765 – 2 March

Died; Sister Maria Pullicino. Before her death she made her confession from her sick-bed.*

[*”professo’ in letto ammalata.”]

1769 – 8 April

Died; Filippo, son of Dr Gabriele Pullicino of smallpox.

1771 – 3 July

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at one o’clock a.m. to a baby girl who was baptized in Zebbug and was given the names of Maria, Aloisia, Giulia. The godparents were Commendatore* Devos and Sig. Maria Mangion the maternal grandmother of the baby girl.

[*title similar to ‘Esquire’]

1773 – 7 April

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at the hour of half past 2 a.m. to a baby boy who was baptized in the Parish of Zebbug by Don Giuseppe Maria Pullicino brother of the said Dr Gabriele with the assistance of the Parish Priest Don Felice Borg, and who was given the names Arcangelo, Filippo, Francesco Saverio. The godparents were Don Pietro Paolo Pullicino uncle of the baby boy and Mosa Mangion maternal aunt of the baby boy.

1775 – 10 December

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at the hour of 10 a.m. to a baby girl who was baptized the next day in the evening in the Parish of Zebbug and was given the names Giulia, Felicita. The godparents were Don Felice Mangion and Anna Pullicino aunt of the baby girl. 1778 – 9 October

Sig. Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at the hour of 9 a.m. to a baby girl who was baptized the next day in the evening in the Parish of Zebbug and was given the names Dionisia, Anna e Mosa. The godparents were Michele Angelo Calleja husband of   Sig.Mosa sister of the said Caterina, Caterina Pullicino aunt of the said baby girl.

1780 – 6 October

Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at the hour of 10 p.m. to a baby boy, who was baptized the next day in the evening by the Parish Priest Don Felice Borg and was given the names Arcangelo, Gio Maria, Marco Antonio, Pio. The godparents were Notary Michele Angelo Saliba and Diana Pullicino aunt of the baby boy. 1783 – 27 February

Caterina, wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, gave birth at the hour of half past 11 p.m. to a baby girl who was baptized the next day was given the names Giuseppa, Alessandra, Leonarda. The godparents were Don Giuseppe Pullicino uncle of the baby girl and Sig. Antonia wife of Notary* Michele Saliba

[*”Magnifico Notaro” – ‘magnifico’ was a common prefix for a notary in those days]

1786 – 8 December

Died; Reverend Don Pietro Paolo Pullicino son of Notary Arcangelo at the age of 65 years. He had instituted the Via Crucis* in Casal Zebbug.

[*a public procession literally ‘the Way of the Cross’]

1791 – 23 August

Died; Anna daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino.

1792 – September

Filippo, son of Dr Gabriele Pullicino, left for Rome to pursue his studies.

1792 – 21 October

Died; Giulia Pullicino daughter of Dr Gabriele Pullicino.

1793 – September

Arcangelo, son of Dr Gabriele Pullicino left for Rome to pursue his studies.

1796 – 1 May

Died; The Priest* Don Giuseppe Maria Pullicino son of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino.

[*“il Sac. Don Giuseppe Maria Pullicino”] 1796 – 24 September

Filippo son of Dr Gabriele Pullicino was ordained priest in Rome by Cardinale Somaglia, Vicario of His Holiness Pope Pius VI in the Church of S. Giovanni in Laterano.

1796 – November

Don Filippo and Arcangelo sons of Dr Gabriele Pullicino returned to Malta aboard a boat* after a voyage of 40 days.

[*”sopra una speronara“]

1797 – 17 August

Died; Sig. Caterina Pullicino daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino. She bequeathed 100 scudi to the Hospital.

1797 – 13 October

Died; Sig. Maria Mangion.

1805 – 14 April*

Died; Sig. Don Felice Mangion

[*Malta has been under English Rule since 1801 following the ousting of the French in Malta by the local populance aided by the arrival of the Royal Navy.] 1806 – 12 July

Died; Sig. Sapienza of Siggiewi, sister of Maria Mangion and maternal aunt of Sig. Caterina wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino.

1808 – 9 March

Died; Diana daughter of Notary Arcangelo Pullicino of frailty* at 78 years.

[*” di debolezza”]

1813 – 25 July

Died; Sig. Caterina wife of Dr Gabriele Pullicino.

1813 – 1 August

Died; Lorenzo Vella.

1813 – 12 August

Died; from suspected plague* Sig. Giuseppa Alessandra** daughter of Dr Gabriele Pullicino.

[*The Plague arrives in Malta. Families in both town and country are decimated.] [**Again no mention of a husband, she dies at age 30 probably a spinster.]

1813 – 27 August

Died; Mosa, sister-in-law of Dr Gabriele Pullicino and wife of Michele Angelo Calleja.

1813 – 10 September

Died; from the plague Don Filippo Calleja, son of Michele Angelo Calleja and Mosa Mangion. He left in his will 400 scudi yearly to the Hospital of Zebbug* for the maintenance and education of any orphan.

[*There is what is known in Zebbug as the “Istitut ta’ Pullicin” which is likely the common name by which the said “Ospedale” became known due to the financial support given to it by the Pullicino family.]

1814 – 24 August*

Dr Arcangelo Pullicino son of Dr Gabriele, was married to Sig. Marianna** sole daughter of Sig. Giovanni Schembri, Assessor of the Bishop, in the chapel of the house of the said Schembri. They were joined in marriage by Don Filippo Pullicino brother of the groom.

[*This entry coincides with the start of the second diary written by Don Paolo Pullicino, the first son of Doctor of Medicine, Arcangelo and Marianna nee Schembri, born in 1815. The diary is entitled “Libro di Notizie Riguardanti la Famiglia Pullicino Schembri” .] [**Marianna was the only daughter of a Doctor Giovanni Schembri, who was the Assessor of the Bishop of Malta, Monsignor Mattei.] 1815 – 15 August*

Sig. Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 8 a.m. to a baby boy who was baptized the next day in the Parish of Porto Salvo in Valletta by Don Filippo Pullicino, uncle of the baby boy, and he was given the names Paolo, Antonio, GioMaria, Filippo, Marco, Gabriele. The godparents were Dr Gabriele Pullicino his grandfather and Maria Pullicino his aunt.*

[*The day of his birth is known as “Santa Maria”., an important date in the liturgical and agricultural calendar. (Farm rents were usually paid on this day which ranked after Christmas and Easter.)]

1817 – 7 March

Sig. Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 7 p.m. to a baby boy who was baptized the next day by the church priest Portelli and he was given the names Antonio*, Giovanni, Dionisio, Rosario, Tommaso. The godparents were Assessor Dr Giovanni Schembri his grandfather and Sig. Dionisia Pullicino his aunt.

[*Antonio, the second son, was baptised also in the church of Porto Salvo in Valletta, which may indicate that his parents were residing in the Capital. Antonio, a doctor of medicine and later to become a lawyer is the author of this first diary.]

1819 – 12 July

Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at midday to a baby girl who was baptized the next day by the church priest Portelli and she was given the names Maria, Antonia, Caterina, Giovanna, Concetta, Rosaria*. The godparents were Sig. Maria Antonia Magri sister-in-law of Assessor Schembri and Don Filippo Pullicino uncle of the baby girl.

[*A third child, Maria,and then a fourth, Giovanna, are also baptised in Valletta.]

1820 – 10 March

Died; Assessore Dr Giovanni Schembri father of Sig. Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino.*

[*The second diary states he died in his home in Valletta, but was buried at Micabiba (Mqabba). Dr. Schembri was at one time a Judge at Notabile, the old capital.] 1820 – 4 October

Died; at 8 a.m. Dr Gabriele Pullicino* father of Dr Arcangelo with a serious frailty.**

[*Dr. Gabriele and his daughter spinster Dionisia both died in Zebbug within a month of each other in Zebbug and were buried there. (It is therefore probable that Dr. Arcangelo’s marriage in 1814 marks the move from the country to the city).] [**“con una gran debolezza.”]

1820 – 22 November

Died; at the hour of half past 6 a.m. Dionisia Pullicino sister of Dr Arcangelo with a major weakness.*

[*“con una gran debolezza.”]

1822 – 18 March

Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at midday to a baby girl who was baptized the next day by the Assistant Parish Priest* and was given the names Giannina**, Concetta, Michelina, e Caterina. The godparents were Sig. Maria Pullicino aunt of the baby girl and Sig. Michele Angelo Gauci uncle of the one giving birth.***

[*“Vicecurato”] [** Giovanna was in fact her third given name at birth, but she was called “Giannina” for love of her maternal grandfather, recently deceased.] [***“partoriente”]

1823 – 6 August

Paolo son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation in the house of Monsignor Sant, and his godfather was his paternal uncle Don Filippo Pullicino.

1824 – 16 September

Sig. Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of one a.m. to a baby boy who was baptized the same day in S.Domenico by Parish Priest Portelli and he was given the names Filippo*, Paolo, Nicolo’, Vincenzo. The godparents were Don Vincenzo Gauci, uncle of the one giving birth and Sig. Maria Pullicino aunt of the baby boy.

[*To become a lawyer, assessor of the Bishop, and then judge.]

1826 – 20 June

Antonio son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation in the house of Monsignor Sant, and his godfather was Don Vincenzo Gauci uncle of his mother.

1827 – 10 May

Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 10 p.m. to a baby boy, who was baptized the next day, and he was given the names Giuseppe Gabriele Luigi Paolo Francesco Rosario. The godparents were Maria Pullicino aunt of the baby boy and Paolo Pullicino the eldest brother of that baby boy.*

[*This child, their sixth, dies the following year, but is followed in 1829 by another also named Giuseppe.]

1828 – 23 May

Died; Giuseppe son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino with dysentry*

[*“con una diarrea”].

1829 – 4 January

Died; Sig. Giovanni Magri of Micabiba*. A few days before he made his will in the deeds of Balzan in Siggiewi, in which he made a bequest in favour of the Pullicino family.

[* present day Mqabba]

1829 – 28 March

Maria daughter of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino made her confirmation in the house of Monsignor Sant, and the godmother was Sig. Maria Pullicino her aunt.

1829 – 5 October

Marianna wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino gave birth at the hour of 3 a.m. to a baby boy, who was baptized the same day, and he was given the names Giuseppe Rosario Francesco and Paolo. The godparents were Don Filippo Pullicino uncle of the baby boy and Sig. Anna Montebello.

1831 – 1 April

Died; at the hour of quarter past 11 a.m. on Good Friday* Sig. Marianna Pullicino Schembri wife of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino at the age of 36 years after a very short illness. She received the last rites the preceding day.**  She played the pianoforte with much mastery and was a pupil of Maestro Azzopardi.

[*She dies on Good Friday after an eight day illness at the age of 37 (sic). The funeral cortege goes from her home to the church of St Paul Shipwrecked in Valletta and she is buried in the family crypt in the Chapel dedicated to San Gaetano. She was a gifted musician (vide the entry in the second diary).] [**“Essa fu’ viaticata il giorno antecedente.”]

1832 – 20 May

Giovanna daughter of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino was confirmed in the Bishop’s Palace of Monsignor Caruana and her godmother was Sig. Maria Pullicino her aunt. Paolo, son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino took the prima tonsura.* [*prima tonsura – part of a religious ordination]

1832 – 27 May

Paolo, son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino was ordained in the Bishop’s Palace to give communion and to preach.*

[*” l’ostiarato ed il lettorato.”]

1832 – 30 July

Died;  Don Filippo Pullicino brother of Dr Arcangelo, Lecturer in Canon Law at the University of Malta from 1801, and he died bathing at Msida, having been found drowned, and was not given absloution until the hour of 9 at night.*

[*“e mori’ nel bagno alla Msida, avendolo trovato annegato e non arrivo’ che l’assoluzione alle ore 9 di notte.”]

1834 – 16 February

Filippo son of Dr Arcangelo Pullicino made his confirmation with Monsignor Caruana at the Bishop’s Palace, and his godfather was his brother Paolo.

1837 – 8 August

Died; Maria Pullicino sister of Dr Arcangelo, on the day of Tuesday at the hour of 8 p.m. at the age of 66 years and a month with Cholera Disease; she took ill on Sunday toward the hour of 3 p.m. at Micabiba* where the whole family had been taken on 3 July to escape the Cholera, but she died of that malady.

[* present day Mqabba]

1839 – 16 March

Paolo Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo was ordained priest in Sabato Sitientes* in the house of Monsignor Caruana. He was the only one making his Ordination.

[*“fu’ ordinato in Sabato Sitientes sacerdote” another stage of ordination?]

1839 – 4 May

Don Paolo Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo received his degree in Theology at the University of Malta and was the only graduand.

1839 – 16 May

Don Paolo Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo left for Rome by French ship. Giuseppe his brother, made his confirmation in the house of Monsignor Caruana. The said Don Paolo acted as his godfather a few hours before leaving for Rome.

1839 – 19 July

Antonio Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo received his degree in Medicine in the Church of the Jesuits of the University of Malta. The next day he left by French ship for Rome to join his brother Don Paolo.

1841 – 27 November

Don Paolo Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo after having travelled and studied in Italy and France, and made a visit to London, returned to Malta.

1842 – October

Dr Antonio Pullicino son of Dr Arcangelo after having travelled and studied in Italy and France, and made a visit to London, returned to Malta.

1850 – 26 November

Antonio Pullicino*, Doctor of Medicine son of Dr Arcangelo received his degree in Laws at the Church of the Jesuits of the University of Malta.

[*There is no indication in the diaries of Dr. Antonio ever marrying.]

1852 – 8 June

Died;  in Birchircara at the hour of half past 8 p.m., Don Vincenzo Gauci maternal uncle of Marianna Pullicino Schembri, at the age of 64 years, after an illness of twelve days with all the rites and all the Sacraments. He was assisted by Dr Arcangelo Pullicino and by all his parents. On the morning of the next day at the hour of 10 he was taken to the Parish Church of Birchircara by the Chapter, Clergy and the whole Confraternity.

1864 – 18 April

Died; Dr Wenceslao Debono Canon of the Cathedral, of which Don Paolo Pullicino was the Conductor, and of which he therefore became Principal.

1864 – 16 June

Don Paolo Pullicino took the position of Principal Canon of the Cathedral after Vespers.

1865 – 12 January

My* sister Maria after a lengthy illness that the doctor characterized as general Adenite, was overcome by dropsy, and so today was given the last rites at the hour of 8 p.m.

[*The author’s last few entries break into the first person.]

1865 – 15 January

My sister Maria was given extreme unction toward the hour of 11 a.m.

1865 – 29 January

My sister Maria was given the last rites once more toward the hour of 2 p.m.

1865 – 5 February

My sister Maria died toward the hour of 8 p.m. at the age of 45 years, 6 months and 24 days, having been born on 12 July, 1819. The next day at the hour of half past 2 p.m. was taken to the Church of S.Paolo with the single cross of S.Domenico, because it was raining and the Chapel of S. Paolo could not accompany her.

1865 – July

I, Dr Antonio Pullicino, made my will in the deeds of Corrado Azzopardi, and a few days later my brother Don Paolo made his own in the deeds of the same.

1865 – 15 August

Paolino* second son of my brother Filippo Pullicino was struck with Cholera in Sliema.

[*Paolo, born January 1861]

1865 – 16 August

Died; the said Paolino at Sliema at the hour of 11 p.m. at the age of four years and seven months.

1867 – 6 April

We made the division of the paternal inheritance in the deeds of Corrado Azzopardi.

1873 – 4 January

At one hour after midday my brother Filippo received the letter from the Government which contained the announcement that he was nominated as one of His Majesty’s Judges.

(The diary of Antonio Pullicino ends here)

The first diary ends here.