Philip Pullicino’s colleagues (1915)

Please help identify unknown people in this photo.

No. Face Name Comments
1 Arturo Mercieca Arturo Mercieca Held senior posts in the British administration, including government solicitor and chief justice. Knighted. Exiled to Uganda during World War 2 for being an Italian sympathiser. 
2 Augustus Bartolo Augustus Bartolo A powerful political force in Malta. He owned a major newspaper. Eventually knighted and appointed a judge (1934), he was also a journalist, diplomat and historian.  Died 1937.
3 Carlo Mallia Carlo Mallia Talented lawyer, became Professor of Commercial Law, 1918. Politician. Self-exiled to Italy prior to WW2. His eyesight completely failed several years prior to his death.
4 Edgar Ganado Edgar Ganado 1884-1960. Was mentored by his father-in-law Prof. Massimo Debono (Edgar’s wife was Tessie Debono). Became a professor and judge. His father, Luigi, had supeceded the judgeship of Filippo Pullicino in 1887.
5 Enrico Carlo Vassallo Enrico Carlo Vassallo Became a long standing Professor of International and Constitutional Law. He was on the Faculty photo of 1919.  Passionate about self-government for Malta. Lived for many years on Tower Road.
6 Face_10_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
7 Face_11_Lawyers1915wm Guiseppe Cremona 1864 -1935. Judge and politician. Appointed Magistrate in Gozo courts in 1905, Judge in 1919 and retired in 1929. In 1932 elected to the Legislative Assembly for Gozo. Wrote books on precedents in Civil Law.
8 Face_12_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
9 Face_18_Lawyers1915wm Giovanni Caruana Professor Giovanni Caruana. b.1866 d. 31.7.1923. At least two portraits of Caruana exist, both by the renowned early 20th century Maltese artist Edward Caruana Dingli.
10 Face_19_Lawyers1915wm Paolo Cremona? I am uncertain this is Paolo Cremona
11 Face_21_Lawyers1915wm Enrico Micallef Later became a Magistrate in Gozo. 1875-1928. Son of Notary Achille.  Passport applicaton from 1921. Married Lily Caruana Scicluna.
12 Face_22_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
13 Face_25_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
14 Face_26_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
15 Face_28_Lawyers1915wm Salvatore Schembri  
16 Face_2_Lawyers1915wm  Luigi Arnaldo Randon b. 18.6.1875.  d. 1942. Professor of Laws. See Mangion, R. (ed) 2016, Lezioni del Professore Arnaldo Randon (1875-1942) Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, Malta.
17 Face_30_Lawyers1915wm  Edward Annato? b. 14.2.1879. Lived 120 Tower Road, Sliema.
18 Face_31_Lawyers1915wm  Unknown  
19 Face_33_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
20 Face_34_Lawyers1915wm  Unknown  
21 Face_35_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
22 Face_36_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
23 Face_37_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
24 Face_38_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
25 Face_39_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
26 Face_41_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
27 Face_44_Lawyers1915wm Unknown  
28 Face_4_Lawyers1915wm  Unknown  
29 Face_6_Lawyers1915wm  Unknown  
30 Face_9_Lawyers1915wm  Unknown  
31 Federico Caruana-Gatto Federico Caruana-Gatto Dr Federico Caruana Gatto, LL.D, (1873-1934), 5th Count of Beberrua. His brother, not identified in this picture, was Count Alfred Caruana Gatto, a famous lawyer, scientist and politician.
32 Filipo Nicolo Buttigieg Filipo Nicolo Buttigieg A philanthropist and patron of the arts. Politician. He was a wealthy businessman and lawyer. 
33 Francesco Buhagiar Francesco Buhagiar Later became 2nd Prime Minister of Malta, after Joseph Howard.
34 Giovanni Adami Giovanni Adami Became a minister in early Maltese parliaments.
35 Guze Pace Joseph ‘Guze’ Pace

1890-1974. Established Paceville. Founded a shipping business. He had a long business and legal career.

36 Massimo Debono Massimiliano Debono Professor of laws. His son-in-law was Edgar Ganado also pictured. Lived 1850-1932. Later became President of the Senate and President of the Chamber of Advocates.
37 Michelangelo Refalo Michelangelo Refalo 1876-1923. Born in Gozo. Philip studied under Dr. Refalo. He became chief justice and president of the court of appeal. 
38 Mons F Ferris Mons Can F Ferris At this time Monseingeur Ferris was a military chaplain as well as a lawyer. 
39 Oscar Parnis Oscar Parnis Regrettably this brilliant young barrister died in 1919 after moving to London.
40 Phillip Pullicino Philip Pullicino  
40 Azzopardi Paolo Azzopardi  ?
41 Pierre Frendo Pierre G. Frendo Co-founder of the Maltese labour party when the 1921 parliament arrived. 
42 Robert Ganado Robert Ganado Both he and his brother Edgar became judges. Their father was Luigi Ganado, also a judge (1833-1903) who had superceded Filippo Pullicino in 1887. 
43 Seraphino Vella Seraphino Vella Later a magistrate and crown advocate. A witness to the 7 June 1919 riots. Appears to have had a long career.
44 Ugo P Mifsud Ugo P Mifsud Later to become Malta’s 3rd Prime Minister. He was Philip’s 1st cousin, through Philip’s mother. He died mid-speech on the floor of the parliament in 1942.

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